Monday, 8 August 2011

It's just Scary...

I scared, man. I just can't do it.

Come on. I'm sure you can. Please. Do it for me.

No way. This one is just freaking insane. Go find someone else, okay.

How dare you say something like that ? You're task is really simple, okay. And you're about to become one of the important part of my family history. Now, just hold the camera still, okay. Be brave. I know you can.

Fine. And I'm sorry. Now, I'll try my best. But if I throw up, don't be mad at me okay.

No. You won't puke at all. Not even a little bit. Come on. It's time.

My body starts to shiver when I step in. I feel like the air in the room comes from the arctic or someplace colder than I ever felt. I hold the camera as still as possible. I heard screaming that is much scarier than some ghost movies that I've seen. This is by far the most crazy thing that I ever done. Scarier than the bungee jump I had a few years a go. With my adrenaline rushing through my vein, I just kept my eyes close and hope it will all end soon. 


Dude. Come on. It's all over now. And I've gotta baby boy !

Really ? Phew. Congratulation to you. Hey, is it safe for me to open my eyes right now ?

Yeah ! You can. Everything that may scares you has gone now. Thanks man. I know I always can count on you.

Sure, anytime. Hehehe...

That was what I did today. Holding the camera and record the actions in the labor room for the sake of my friend. It was 'exhilarating', nerve- wrecking, spine-chilling and the scariest adventure that I ever done. It took a lot of courage to be there. And I just hope, I won't have to go through that again.

Ps : Dear future wife, if your time do comes to give birth for our future child, I will hold your hand and give all the encouragement that you need. Just don't made me hold the camera and record it as it happens. I just couldn't muster all those courage again. Cause it's just too scary...


Dhiya Fariza said...

haha awesome dont u think? i remember my first time being in a labor room. i cried. LOL after 5 times, its nothing man, u'll get thru it again.


Syazwan Che Deraman said...


awesome experience.

dah ada future wife ke bro?.

have a good day :)

Faaein Talip Roy said...

the best experience that you have..

awesome!... detik2 yang paling mengembirakan hati seorang ayah n emak tu..

pasti your future wife lebih perlukan you di sisi dari suh pegang kamera tu.. hehehe..

p/s: yang entri tu dah try buat.. tapi cam klako aje bila di translate kan.. segan arr nak post.. hahaha..

Unknown said...

whohoho..ko mmg oohhsemmm..

Anisa Hang Tuah said...

with the ring u promise
to stay by her side.

future wife :D

bujal X said...

aku tak berani~sriyes!

~* chirpy_chummy *~ said...

bley ke amik gmb dlm labour room? xtau plak.

takot darah ke? teehee

liyana said...

ade org kte leh pgsan klu tgk org tgh ke?

ILA HonEyBuNNy said...


takoot lak dengar sal beranak neh..tgk cita hantu pun xtakoot cmne eh..hahah

untung la sapa future wife tu kalau dpt suami yg mahu masuk bilik bersalin bagi semangat..ehehhe

Qaseh Dalia said...

haha ingat apa tadi ..
huhu tiba2 takut ..
pehh u r so sweet lah bro..
tapi memang di saat2 camni suami lah perlu menemani agar semangat tu makin kuat .. wahhh bygkan jap ..ek

dwatyKNY said...

kenapa tak letak jer camera tu atas meja... tak yah pegang... tapi kena letak bahagian sisi si ibula... hehehehe

Unknown said...

x scary la bro....sgt2 menguja kan...:)

ewanthology said...

sekadar masih menanti bila kah akan tiba saat itu untuk saya merasainya pulak.

blog-tips-kurus said...

'dun wori bebeh! i'll hold your hand tightly to ensure that u'll feel what i feel that time..'

*saya dah siapkan skrip untuk si dia jawab.. hoho! :-)

James Alexander said...

Dhiya : hahaha... i'm not so sure about that...

Syazwan : belum ada calon future wife lg la... hehehe...

Faaein : btol2...

cube sampai rasa benar2 okay...

Jiji : biase je ni...

Anisa HT : itu mmg kewajipan... hehehe...

bujal : aku juga sebenarnya x berani jugak... tapi buat2 berani... hehehe...

chirpy : boleh... janji x ganggu doktor... sy x takut darah, tapi takut yg ngeri... hehehe...

liyana : ha... itu x tau la plak... sy lepas dgn tenang sbb tutup mata... hehehe..

honeybunny : takut.. suara perempuan menjerit kesakitan itu lebih horror dari cite hantu...

hehehe... ntah sapa la yg beruntung tu kan..???

Qaseh : sang suami pon boleh tercabut semangat tau time bersalin ni... hehehe...

dwaty : doktor menghalang... nanti x clear gambar tersebut... so kena pegang la...

papa mifz : maaf... aku tetap x teruja.. hahaha...

delarocha : ala... sama la kita... yg ni pon bini member...

blog tips kurus : 'pegang tangan dengan erat ke nak hancurkan tgn sy ni...???' si suami jawab balik. hahaha...

ILA HonEyBuNNy said...


sabar je lah...mau xmau perempuan kena bersalin gak..ehhe...

Faaein Talip Roy said...

p/s: hehehehe.. jadi dr. batu? semester ni je belajar pasal batu.. sy bukan student petroleum geoscience.. kalo depa yelah.. memang leh jadi dr.batu.. hehehe

emmm.. tu lah.. masalahnya suka translate macam tu.. sbab tu cam pelik je ayat dia.. hehehe..

err.. MUET? dapat band 3 je.. tu pun cukup2 makan je.. hehehe..

intan.maisarah said...


too scary huh?


cant stop laughing.

noTTy me! said...

rely awesome xprience lol...
not all pppl cn hve dt...
n nice story....creative cgt ^^