'Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn't seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces.'
by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
I'm attracted with the righteousness of this phrase. Friendship among men usually doesn't end up with offending each other, fighting each other, or even killing each other even though some people would classified men as a being who always resort to violence.
But for women, a case of backstabbing and disloyalty among friends just seems normal to them (berebut jejaka idaman etc.). Why could such things happen ? Is it has something to do with gender ? Or women is just more vicious than men itself ? I guess the word B.F.F also doesn't mean anything to them at all.
Hmm, through all my comments you know that I never were a sexist.
Hmm yeah girls yang bergaduh sesama sendiri just only because of a guy, should be called bimbos.
but not all girls macam tu.
err my bff kebanyakannya chromosome XY yang lembut2 sikit. so takde hal la. they want my man, take it la.haha
If you ask me, I think it works the same for both gender regardless. I experience where my bunch of friends go for each others' girlfriends and they do bitch about each other too altho some denies it.
I think at the end of the day, it comes to you yourself, individuality.
I've been back stabbed once by this female human I called 'best friend'. Since then, I never believe in the term 'BFF' anymore. I felt really sad because I chose another person to be in my best friend list, because before this happened, my mum is always my one and only best friend. From that, I've learned the hard way that not many friends would love us as much as we love them. Just beware.
kah kah kah kah kah.
gadis2 yang kekonon BFF la sangat ni la yang x kekal lama bersahabat.
"Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces."
mereka yg crack into pieces ni biasanya adalah mereka yg setia. penah ke dgr, org yg back stabbed tu crack into pieces sbb dia yg bt onar? heh!
aku kalau gaduh dengan member lelaki suka tarik2 rambut dengan mud wrestling.seksi gittew~~
susah nak ckp..
mungkin boleh kaitkan dengan perumpamaan ini
lelaki ade 1 nafsu n 9 akal
perempuan ada 9 nafsu 1 akal
(ni bg fara la)so 9 akal lelaki mungkin lbh membantu la dalam membuat keputusan... so.. no tarik2 rambut or whatever..
ade kaitan kew?? urm2... huhuhu
hmm..bff amat bermakna k..
tp ade gk disebbkn pkwe..
kwan yg rpt pn dh jd x rpt
sob2..kawan ngn blog jerla..
luahla byk mne kt blog pun blog x mrh..haha
macy akan lepaskan kot m boy if ada gadis yg berebut2. if and only if m boy pn rasa berat2 na tggalkan dia.
but for now i jz cant. 4 d 1st time in m life i refuse to share a guy. bfore ni for me madu is okay. even me sure la xnk.. jz if m hsband wnt it, who am i to say no?
tp skrg pls2 no no no. i love him . so much.
erk. apekes ni? haha lari tajuk. jz pasal backstabbing tadi aceli~
damn. ska! bukan macy. haha
kdg, aku tabik dengan jejaka.
cara mereka berkawan tu betul2 kwn.
tak mcm perempuan.
backstabber is everywhere.
that why u should not trust to
anyone. sb aku sendiri kne tikam
dgn mber yg da 7thn knl. asshole kan.
sokey sokey, as we know, life
is karma ;)
This is a true happenings daily in our lives. I have seen men and women who love to back stab but I think men settles disputes better as they tend to take things too lightly. Women value and treasure friendships better. This is just my opinion.
dude..dis time u got things right! even i as a woman (gurl act) dunno why we dun really acknowledge BFF. dunno y..for me it's more like taboo..but i still have some of my high school friends until today :)
laki kan kulllll
oh, lagi satu.
BFF stand for
best fuckin friends.
aku selalu dan selesa guna words
ni for those yg jd kwn aku.
haha. cool ? ;)
pengaruh hormon yang berlebihan.
hey back off man.
got nothing to do with gender okay.
things just go wrong at the wrong time and different people handle it differently..
bukan sume cmtuh okay.
and bff just plain childish
perempuan.memang gitu.sebab terlebih jaga hal orang.n kadang2 ak pun xterkrcuali.heeeee....cuma berebut jejaka idaman.huh.xmungkin sampai gaduh2.sebab rase terlalu bodoh wt gitu.
ow my god wahida!!
sebab perempuan ni sukar nak jaga emosi sikit kot.. heheh!!~
dan lelaki kan cool...
kate2 tu membuatkan sye terpikir
i love my BFF, alhmdulillah, kitrg stil mmahami ;)
raihana izzati : ok, sy faham kamu...
aiman : yeah... you got some valid points there...
wahida : agreed huh ? gud... *smile*
hero : kelakar mereka ni kan ..???
chirpy : ye, mereka yg jahat terlepas... k.. chill...
bujal : pengaruh WWE huh...??? hahaha...
aque : laki x tarik rambut la, die tumbuk2 muke je... hehehe...
liyana : layan blog je la ni..??? hahaha... nak couple ngan blog bleh ke...??? hahaha....
ska : ok, anda syg beliau sgt2... jgn main tikam blakang ye... ok macy... opss ska... ???
syafiqa : guys are always cool.. hehehe... ok. ayat tu pon cool la gak.... kite jadi BFF ok..??? hakhakhak...
ghost : nasib baik lelaki takde pengaruh hormon sebegitu...
twilight man : i agree about men settle dispute better. but not about woman treasure their friendship better. the pep talk among themselves is cruel. I know because I heard them once or twice.
raden : do I always got things wrong ? hehe...
jiji : memang pon... hahaha...
sabrina : what about wahida ? you ex BFF or something ?? hahaha...
based from my point of view, this problem happens a lot to woman but rare to men...
ecah : bizi body la ni..?? hahaha...
bella : kadang2 terlampau ikut emosi perempuan ni... lelaki mmg cool la... hahaha...
delarocha : *smile*
zaza : x pernah kena ke...???
emiey : mintak2 jgn la kene... kalau terkena, berperang jawabnye... hahaha...
Well, actually she is my most respected stalker T_T
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