We don't eat a plenty of ice cream while watching sad love movies
We don't just lying on our beds with tissues on the side
We don't just weeping all day long and pretend that everything else don't matter
We do it in a different way
Because boys do suffered too
Boys like me.
suffer of...???
i wonder wut will boys do? please tell me...! because all i hve in mind is that boys r immune to dis situation..dem
boys punye care laen amcam sikit kan..eheh
gadis biasa : we do suffer you know... igt kami lelaki hati batu sgt ke...??
raden : what we do...?? stay tuned.. i'll explain it later.
jiji : yup... mmg lain... hehehe...
suffered sbb apa plak ni?
ok, i'm waiting to hear what's d next.
boys suffer not really suffered like a gurl.. T_T
suffered2 lelaki pun...xla sesuffered girl tau..huuhu
actually aku suka cara lelaki handle problem. they tend to not think about it that much.
while girls pulak tend to exaggerate. problem xde besar mana tapi exaggerate lebih2.
how do I know? coz im also a girl.
wahida : suffered of broken-hearted
chirpy : just wait k...
aqilah and honey : you'd always have to say you girls suffered the worst, right ?
izzati : Correct. Wow. You are one of the few women who got it right. I'm impressed.
aku percaya kamu jenis lelaki yg setia.
punya beberapa org kawan lelaki yg begitu menderita bila ttg cinta. terlalu sgt.
sehingga aku juga terasa kesakitan mereka.
semoga smua baik2 aje.
hmm..not need to suffer..
bak kate org jgn biarkn satu kekecewaan memsnahkn byk kebahagiaan2 dihadapan..
it is not easy to forget right.
Ketetapan Allah pasti berlaku..
n maybe satu hari anda akan bersyukur
bnde2 mcm ni jd kt anda
Allah always by ourside..
(pnjgla plak komen..ngeh3)
just my opinion
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