For about 5 minutes, my eyes are not even blinking. I kept staring to a girl that is flawless. A perfect radiant skin with a perfect body. She seems like an angel who standing right in front of me.
I keep staring her. And she's just keep on smiling. With her glowing eyes and a ruby red lips that smile to me make me standing like a frozen statue without even care about everything that happens around me. It feels like it was the best moment of my life. 'Wonderful.'
Suddenly I heard some broken twigs nearby. A sound of footsteps walking towards me. I turned. Then I saw a lion slowly came out of nowhere and come to the place where I am standing.
'Huh ! What ? How can this be ?', I startled. How in the world could knows how to talk ?
'Hey dude ! Are you okay ?', the lion asked me again.
'This is not possible. How can a lion speak to a guy like me ? And certainly weird for a lion to know how to say dude. HAHAHA... Oh ! Maybe I'm in Narnia or something. And that means you're Aslan, the lion in the story. Or maybe... '
Paaaaaapppp !!!! Paaaaaaapppp !!!
The lion suddenly just slapped me twice. My whole face feels burning from getting slapped by a lion with a giant paws. And I opened my eyes again, just to realize that my friends are all around me waiting anxiously for my answer.
'Hey ! You're definitely okay, am I right ? You should know that you've been sleeping for more than 20 hours now. And you're not in a comatose state, right ?'
'Ouch ! No.'
'Then, aren't you hungry or something ? Come on ! It's already 9 pm. Lets have some dinner.'
'Owh . Okay.' I replied. 'Damn, I was dreaming and it felt like just 5 minutes.'
Ps : This what happens when to me when I stay awake for more than 72 hours and not getting enough rest. You guys should try it. And maybe you'll experience something differs than mine. Hehehe....
ade ke org x blinks for 5 min?
so u r a type of person who can easily fall asleep anytime anywhere ..
hmmm I think your exhaustion of not sleeping for 72 hours made you delusional and you happen to spaced out. But what intrigues me is, in that 5 minutes dream of yours. Why that girl? why the lion? instead of something else. LOL. that for you to figure out i guess
i cn feel it
penah ade pglaman cenggini..hehe
:) hari ni br i bc segala bnda yg ade dlm blog u....
ouhh lupe nk ckp, i SUKE SANGAT lagu "I Still"..........sgt mndalam utk i. sekian.
ko ngn aku same je..senang nak tido..kan2..
kamu penat sangat agaknya.huhuhh..
ecah pun demam skrg.tu yg xjalan2 belog kwn2:)
haha..smpaui cenggitu sekali
ohhh mimpi rupanya.
ahahahaha.. mimpi rupanya.. pastikan dapat rehat yang cukup selepas ni.. =]
hahhaa.. aslan la sangat... mimpi rupanya.. adehh.. :P
menarik tahu!
72 jam = 3 hari..
for real?
tak pening ke tak tidur tidur?
zaza : ade. dlm mimpi... hahaha...
raden : hanya bila penat melampau...
aiman : hehe... about the lion, my friends face mmg mcm singa... about the girl, don't know...
titisan hujan : same huh ?
sha : thx... somehow, only a certain people who understand it... mungkin sebab dah berumur kot.. hahaha...
jiji : ye la.. kamu geng aku la jiji oii...
ecah : mmg penat super. get well soon...
liyana : ye awk. mmg sampai cenggitu...
delarocha : mmg mimpi. baru igt nak layan dunia narnia jap. hahaha..
faaein : yeah. I try. cume kekadang kerja sy terlalu memenatkan...
bella : aslan la.. hahaha
intan : yup. ade penin2 jugak, tapi tahankan aje la... duty calls.
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